Congress votes on Fast Track tomorrow! Call Congress ay 888-804-8311 and say NO to Fast Track!
Category: Uncategorized
Local Lodge 610’s FIT group has ratified their agreement!
Local Lodge 610’s FIT group has ratified their agreement!
ULA Contract Ratified by 53 percent!
ULA Contract Ratified by 53 percent!
Contract Ratification Meeting Notice!
Click the “Read Post” button to view the Flyer!!
Contract time is upon us once again…
Be sure to check out the latest news and updates on the ULA Contract negotiations at! Click the “Read Post” button below and to the right to be able to click on the link and go directly to the website.
‘Right to Work’ Debunked: Economists Find Anti-Worker Laws Lead to Lower Wages
Contradicting arguments typically used to advance so-called Right to Work legislation, new research from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) shows that wages and benefits are actually lower in states with such anti-worker laws on the books. The paper, released as part of EPI’s Raising America’s Pay project, finds that the negative impact of Right to […]
Protesting Senator Bill Nelson’s Orlando office over Fast Track and the Trans-Pacific Partnership
A diverse group of motivated and concerned Americans gathered together to protest Fast Track and the Trans-Pacific Partnership in front of Senator Bill Nelson’ office in Orlando, including the Machinists Union, CWA (Communication Workers of America), and the Main Street Alliance. Other protests […]