National ‘Right-to-Work’ Law Would Be Devastating Blow to Working Families

Washington, DC – Robert Martinez, Jr., International President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), made the following statement about the introduction of national right-to-work legislation:

“So-called right-to-work has done enough harm to working people in the states where it is law. Forcing it upon every state in the country would be a national disaster.

“The facts speak for themselves. In states that prohibit employees and their employers from negotiating fair share fees, it’s working families who get the short end of the stick. The political motives for right-to-work laws are clear: transfer even more money and power to corporate elites who don’t give a damn about the middle class.

“November’s election should have made this clear to the political class—American workers are sick and tired of having their wages slashed, and all too often, their jobs shipped overseas. Taking away their right to a strong voice at the bargaining table will hurt the same people Congress is supposed to represent.

“I urge Congress to swiftly reject this dangerous legislation, and instead focus its full energy toward growing and strengthening the middle class.”

The IAM is among the largest industrial trade unions in North America and represents nearly 600,000 active and retired members in aerospace, transportation, manufacturing, shipbuilding, woodworking and other industries. Visit for more information about the IAM.